Arial View of Coastline - Holland on Sea

 You can now renew your membership of the Holland Residents Association by paying directly into our bank account the details of which are:- 

Name:               Holland Residents Association 

Sort code:         30-65-22 

a/c number:       81400160 

For the reference please write SURNAME HOUSE NUMBER POSTCODE  

(for example: smith12CO151AB) which will enable us to record the payment against each household on our database). If paying for the first time we will not have your details on our database so please email to let us know. 

It is of course still possible to make payments by cash or cheque at Stratford Road and Kings Avenue Post Offices.

Membership runs from 1st January each year and we ask for a minimum annual subscription of £2 per household.  


MONTHLY “DROP-INS” The HRA committee has arranged monthly “drop-ins” – You’ll be able to speak to one of our district councillors about any local matter which is bothering you. Committee members will also be there to listen to any suggestions you may have for improving our community – although if you wish to talk privately to a councillor, privacy will be respected.

The venue: Holland Public Hall (Committee Room)

The time: 10am -11.45am When: 17th February 18th May 21st September 16th March 15th June 19th October 20th April 20th July 16th November ALSO, as a part of the “Street Meet” strategy, the local Police Community Officer will be at the public hall at the same times on the following dates: 17th February 21st September 16th March 16th November


Have your say on the new TDC Corporate Plan

Tendring District Council has just started a consultation on the 4-year 'corporate plan'. Follow the link to give your views Tendring District Council (


The Association, which first met in 1926 in a garage, was set up to ensure that the needs of the residents were acknowledged and acted upon by the local and county councils. This work continues under a progressive forward thinking Committee supported by our local District and County Councillors.  Regular communication and social activities feature in the Association's work assisted by a quarterly magazine and website. Lively communication is encouraged from all sections of the community so that we act in concert with each other, and in strength, to achieve what is best for Holland on Sea and its residents. 

HRA is a member of The National Organisation of Residents Associations 

Steve Collitt

37 Ingarfield Road
Holland-on-sea, Clacton-on-sea
CO15 5XA